IDM 6.26 Build 21 Latest (Fake Serial Bug Fixed) Is Here !



IDM Universal Crack On Hax

It is a Download Manager tool that can download many types of files from internet with great download speed and organize the files as you see fit. It also can schedule and resume downloads. If you are facing connection broken issue and due to internet connection disconnection your downloading files will be stopped and you can’t resume it, but don’t worry IDM is a great tool to resume your unfinished downloads due to network problems or unexpected power outages. The program sports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and MMS protocols, and it has an adaptive download accelerator for MP3 audio files, also FLV and MPEG video files. You can download Audio and Video files from any browser, some popular browsers are Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari and Firefox. Other Mozilla based browsers that appears on top of a web-player and can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos.

Last Update – June 12, 2016

An Universal Web Crack. A new era in scene world. Web crack is a new concept of cracks that download and update crack content as the target program gets updated.

So whenever IDM releases a new version. Update your crack using built-in updater and apply crack. Easy as that ! You can simply trust On HAX IDM crack because it has a history of more than 3 year with regular updates, and also it has more than 10000K worldwide downloads.

How to Crack any IDM Onhax Version ?

  1. Install the latest version of IDM / Or update via quick update (yes its possible now)
  2. Turn off any virus guards
  3. Download and Run IDM On Hax Universal Web Crack . exe
  4. Update Universal Web Crack (if it asks)
  5. Select Installation path
  6. Click Crack button and wait till it say activated successfully ! (Press the button twice to make sure it worked)
  7. Now open IDM and enjoy lifetime full version license

easy. webcrack V4 fetches up-to-date non-fake serial keys online. follow the easy steps given below

  • Exit IDM and IDM Web Crack V4(if its open)
  • Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet (so we can fetch new keys)
  • Open IDM Web Crack and give it few seconds get key updated
  • Now crack as usual ! Done
  • If IDM still give ‘fake serial’ warning, Uninstall IDM using IObit Uninstaller (Use FULL uninstall in uninstallation) and follow these steps after reinstalling IDM.

Downloads & Links


[sociallocker]IDM 6.26 build 21 Setup + Universal Web Crack V4.rar (8.4 MB) Link Here

IDM Universal Web Crack V4.rar (1.9 MB)

IDM Cracks Link Here Try This If Upper Not Work

IDM 6.26 build 21 Manual Crack.rar (1.3 MB) (if crack didn’t work/windows xp users)


Universal Web Crack V4 Changelog

  • Under-the-hood web serial key fetching for up-to-date serial keys
  • Completely new and faster updater engine
  • Direct crack mode to release faster crack updates (we know we did late updates, but there’ll be no more late updates with the new method)
  • Improved registry cracking to fix all the fake serial key issues (yup there will be no more fake serial key issues with this + web key fetch method)
  • Improved version detection of IDM installation with multiple methods (no more wrong version detection)
  • New windows 8 theme with auto applying
  • Reduced file size
  • Many many bug fixes

Notes and Info

  • do not delete update.bin file as it is needed to function the crack. In case if you delete it, crack it re-download the missing files once opened
  • Perfect cracking will be done once, you get all three ticks in green or purple in the crack status (purple tick means direct crack mode active)
  • If a new crack version release becomes late, you will see a notice about it in the bottom of crack and you can update it easily
  • Click Read Me button in crack to get information about all the functions in Crack App.
  • No, you cannot remove that smiley face comes after registration name :)
  • Crack is 100% clean. Virus guards may act made mad as it modifies IDM installation registry values but if you are feel risk then buy from developers

If you have any problems on this or found a bug, comment below. Cheers ツ