Install Windows 7, 8 from a USB drive very easy way


This method is very straightforward , WinToBootic is surprisingly easy to use , literally like 1,2,3.Wintobootic software,make usb flash drive bootable,install windows 7 from usb flash drive,boot disk creator,creation of bootable usb flash drive

  1. First you need a windows vista/7/8 .iso image file ; and of course a usb flash drive.
  2. Second thing you need the program WiNToBootic_v2.1 , you need to unzip it with wrar500 or any other archive program.
  3. Next run the program , there is no need to install it .31
  4. Select the usb flash drive , mark Quick format(this will erase all of your usb data, be sure there is no important files on the flash drive)
  5. Next click on the drop source arrow to navigate to you windows .iso image file , or simply drag and drop the .iso file.32
  6. Click Do it! , a message will appear asking if you are sure? , click yes, another message with farmatting warning will appear, click ok . 33
  7. The program will begin to format , flash and copy the windows files to the usb flash drive.34
  8. Click Thanks! ; exit; ALL DONE.