GTA 5 Online Weekly Rewards And Discounts: Triple Rewards In Arena War Series And More

GTA 5 Online Weekly Rewards And Discounts: Triple Rewards In Arena War Series And More

Your weekly Grand Theft Auto V Online rewards update is here, and as usual, that means certain activities have double to triple rewards attached. From now until April 8, you can get triple cash rewards and RP in the Arena War Series. For those starting to dabble in Arena Wars, Rockstar is also offering a 50% off discount on the Arena Workshop, a place to store players’ equipment obtained from the in-game website.

If you’re looking to fill a spot in your Arena Workshop, all three different designs of the Arena Sasquatch are 60% off. They come in a “visionary Future Shock look, the ominous Apocalypse design, or the intimidating Nightmare variation.”

If players beat the par time for the Sawmill time trial and La Fuente Blanca RC time trial, they’ll receive triple cash and RP rewards too. Double rewards will be offered for Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Repo Work mission.

Other discounts include:

  • 40% Off Invade & Persuade RC Tank
  • 60% Off Ocelot Stromberg
  • 40% Off RC Bandito
  • 50% Off Grotti X80 Proto

Additionally, Twitch Prime members who’ve linked their account to their Rockstar Games Social Club accounts will receive 75% off the Arena ZR380 and MTL Cerberus.

Aside from new weekly rewards, GTA V Online is also offering a one-time GTA$500K gift to anybody who plays the game during April. Rockstar Games has also announced that it will donate revenue made from microtransactions from GTA V Online and Red Dead Online to COVID-19 relief. From April 1 to the end of May, 5% of online purchases will be used to help “local communities and businesses struggling with the impacts of COVID-19, both directly and by supporting some of the amazing organizations who are on the ground helping those affected by this crisis.”

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