How to convert your Python app to Android apk or publish as web application


How to Create an Android App from a Python Project & Publish as a Web App

In this guide, we’ll go through the complete procedure of:

  1. Converting a Python Project into an Android App
  2. Publishing a Python App as a Web Application

1. Convert a Python Project into an Android App

Python is not natively supported for Android development, but frameworks like Kivy, PySide, BeeWare, and PyQt make it possible.

Tools & Frameworks for Android App Development with Python

Kivy – Best for cross-platform GUI apps
BeeWare (Briefcase) – Best for native Android/iOS apps
PySide/PyQt – Best for GUI apps with Qt
Chaquopy – Run Python code inside an existing Android (Java/Kotlin) app

Method 1: Using Kivy & Buildozer (Most Popular)

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Ensure you have Python installed. Then install Kivy:

pip install kivy
pip install kivy[base] kivy_examples

Install Buildozer, which is used to package Python into an Android APK:

pip install buildozer

Ensure you have Cython, pyjnius, and virtualenv:

pip install Cython virtualenv pyjnius

Step 2: Create a Simple Kivy App

Create a Python file

from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Label(text="Hello, Android!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Create a .kv file (optional) to design the UI.

Step 3: Initialize Buildozer

Run this command in your project directory:

buildozer init

This generates a buildozer.spec file, where you can configure your package name, requirements, and permissions.

Step 4: Build the APK

buildozer -v android debug

After a successful build, the APK file will be in the bin/ folder.

Step 5: Install APK on Android

Transfer the APK file to your Android device and install it.

Method 2: Using BeeWare (Briefcase)

BeeWare allows you to create native Android, iOS, and desktop apps from Python.

Step 1: Install BeeWare

pip install briefcase

Step 2: Create a New App

briefcase new

Follow the prompts to set up your project.

Step 3: Build the App

briefcase build android

Step 4: Run on Android Emulator

briefcase run android

This method provides a more native experience compared to Kivy.

Tools & Programming Languages Involved for Android App

Tool Purpose
Python Main programming language
Kivy GUI framework for Python apps
Buildozer Converts Python to APK
BeeWare Native app deployment
PySide/PyQt GUI toolkit for applications
Chaquopy Run Python in Android apps
Java/Kotlin Required for integrating with Android

2. Publish a Python App as a Web Application

If you want to run your Python project as a web app, you need a framework like Flask, Django, or FastAPI.

Tools & Frameworks for Web Deployment

Flask – Lightweight for small projects
Django – Full-featured web framework
FastAPI – Best for APIs
Streamlit – Best for data science apps

Method 1: Deploying a Flask App

Step 1: Install Flask

pip install flask

Step 2: Create a Simple Flask App


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return "Hello, Web!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the app locally:


It will be accessible at

Step 3: Deploy to Heroku

  1. Install Heroku CLI:
    pip install gunicorn
  2. Create a requirements.txt:
    pip freeze > requirements.txt
  3. Create a Procfile:
    web: gunicorn app:app
  4. Deploy:
    heroku create my-python-webapp
    git push heroku main
    heroku open

Method 2: Deploying with Django

Step 1: Install Django

pip install django

Step 2: Create a Django Project

django-admin startproject myproject
cd myproject
python runserver

Django runs at

Step 3: Deploy to AWS, DigitalOcean, or Heroku

Use Gunicorn and Nginx for production.

Method 3: Deploying with FastAPI

FastAPI is best for building APIs.

Step 1: Install FastAPI & Uvicorn

pip install fastapi uvicorn

Step 2: Create a FastAPI App

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"message": "Hello, Web!"}

Run the app:

uvicorn app:app --reload

Tools & Programming Languages for Web Deployment

Tool Purpose
Python Main programming language
Flask Web framework for lightweight apps
Django Full-stack web framework
FastAPI Best for APIs
Streamlit Best for data-based apps
Gunicorn Production WSGI server
Nginx Reverse proxy for hosting
Heroku Cloud hosting platform
AWS EC2 Hosting on Amazon Web Services

Final Comparison: Android vs Web Deployment

Feature Android App (Kivy/BeeWare) Web App (Flask/Django/FastAPI)
Language Python Python
Frameworks Kivy, PyQt, BeeWare, Chaquopy Flask, Django, FastAPI
Deployment Tools Buildozer, Briefcase Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean
Platform Support Android (APK) Web (Cloud, Servers)
UI Type Native (or cross-platform) Browser-based


  • Use Kivy or BeeWare if you want an Android app.
  • Use Flask or Django if you want a web application.
  • Hosting can be done via Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean.

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