Create License key, Serial Key Maker, Generate Product Key, Validate a software License Key in C#

Step 1: Click New Project, then select Visual C# on the left, then Windows and then select Windows Forms Application. Name your project “LicenseKey” and then click OK


Step 2: Download FoxLearn.License.dll, then add a reference to the FoxLearn.License.dll

Step 3: Design your form as below

Name your main form: Form1

Name your generate license form: frmGenerate

Name  about form: frmAbout


Add code to handle Form1


namespace LicenseKey
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using(frmGenerate frm = new frmGenerate())
        private void btnRegistration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (frmRegistration frm = new frmRegistration())
        private void btnAbout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (frmAbout frm = new frmAbout())

Create License key, Serial Key Maker, Generate Product Key, Validate a software License Key in C#

Add code to handle frmGenerate form

namespace LicenseKey
public partial class frmGenerate : Form
public frmGenerate()

private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
KeyManager km = new KeyManager(txtProductID.Text);
KeyValuesClass kv;
string productKey = string.Empty;
if (cboLicenseType.SelectedIndex == 0)
kv = new KeyValuesClass()
Type = LicenseType.FULL,
Header = Convert.ToByte(9),
Footer = Convert.ToByte(6),
ProductCode = (byte)ProductCode,//As order of your software
Edition = Edition.ENTERPRISE,
Version = 1
if (!km.GenerateKey(kv, ref productKey))//Generate full license key
txtProductKey.Text = “ERROR”;
kv = new KeyValuesClass()
Type = LicenseType.TRIAL,
Header = Convert.ToByte(9),
Footer = Convert.ToByte(6),
ProductCode = (byte)ProductCode,
Edition = Edition.ENTERPRISE,
Version = 1,
Expiration = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(Convert.ToInt32(txtExperience.Text))
if (!km.GenerateKey(kv, ref productKey))//Generate trial license key
txtProductKey.Text = “ERROR”;
txtProductKey.Text = productKey;

const int ProductCode = 1;

private void frmGenerate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
cboLicenseType.SelectedIndex = 0;
//Get computer id, it’s unique for each computer
txtProductID.Text = ComputerInfo.GetComputerId();


Add code to handle frmRegistration form


namespace LicenseKey
public partial class frmRegistration : Form
public frmRegistration()

const int ProductCode = 1;

private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
KeyManager km = new KeyManager(txtProductID.Text);
string productKey = txtProductKey.Text;
//Check valid
if(km.ValidKey(ref productKey))
KeyValuesClass kv = new KeyValuesClass();
//Decrypt license key
if (km.DisassembleKey(productKey, ref kv))
LicenseInfo lic = new LicenseInfo();
lic.ProductKey = productKey;
lic.FullName = “FoxLearn”;
if (kv.Type == LicenseType.TRIAL)
lic.Day = kv.Expiration.Day;
lic.Month = kv.Expiration.Month;
lic.Year = kv.Expiration.Year;
//Save license key to file
km.SaveSuretyFile(string.Format(@”{0}\Key.lic”, Application.StartupPath), lic);
MessageBox.Show(“You have been successfully registered.”, “Message”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
MessageBox.Show(“Your product key is invalid.”, “Message”, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

private void frmRegistration_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtProductID.Text = ComputerInfo.GetComputerId();


Add code to handle frmAbout form


namespace LicenseKey
public partial class frmAbout : Form
public frmAbout()

private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

const int ProductCode = 1;

private void frmAbout_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblProductID.Text = ComputerInfo.GetComputerId();
KeyManager km = new KeyManager(lblProductID.Text);
LicenseInfo lic = new LicenseInfo();
//Get license information from license file
int value = km.LoadSuretyFile(string.Format(@”{0}\Key.lic”, Application.StartupPath), ref lic);
string productKey = lic.ProductKey;
//Check valid
if(km.ValidKey(ref productKey))
KeyValuesClass kv = new KeyValuesClass();
//Decrypt license key
if(km.DisassembleKey(productKey, ref kv))
lblProductName.Text = “FoxLearn”;
lblProductKey.Text = productKey;
if (kv.Type == LicenseType.TRIAL)
lblLicenseType.Text = string.Format(“{0} days”, (kv.Expiration – DateTime.Now.Date).Days);
lblLicenseType.Text = “Full”;



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